Friday, February 17, 2006


Toothache and Root Canal - Toothache Relief

There are very few things in life as aggravating and frustrating as a toothache.
Does this sound familiar? You may have a high threshold for pain. You can tolerate a nagging backache or aching knee, but pain in your mouth?
No way! There's nothing worse!
It can bring your world to a screeching halt. All you can think of is getting relief.
How do I know? For eight years I worked in a dental office. I was the one you would talk to if you needed information. I was the one that offered comfort when the pain was just so bad. I made my dentist mad, put my job on the line working you into the schedule as soon as humanly possible.
Why? Because I have had a bad toothache. I KNOW how miserable you are."


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