Saturday, April 08, 2006


Root Canal

You’ve heard it a thousand times: “I’d rather have a root canal than __” you fill in the blank. Root canals have gained one of the worst reputations on the planet and, believe it or not, it is much undeserved.

I worked for an Endodontist for eight years. That’s a root canal specialist. I’ve talked to thousands of people with toothache and fear of root canals. The first question always asked is “Is it going to hurt?”

This is the scenario: your toothache hurts like the dickens. You’ve had an x-ray that reveals decay into the pulp of the tooth. You have two alternatives: get the tooth pulled or save it by having a root canal.

The root canal itself does not hurt, OK? Remember Novocain? No dentist or Endodontist is going to perform a root canal on you if you aren’t numb first. It is a precision procedure. You have to be still and not move around in the dental chair. You must be numb to accomplish that.

It is not the root canal causing the pain. The problem that made you have to have a root canal is causing the pain. A root canal is the first step to alleviating the pain...more...Root Canal Info

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